Massage feet

Massage feet, you’ll be healthier Headaches, upper respiratory tract infections, insomnia – elimination of such ailments is promised by reflexology Reflexology is a therapeutic foot massage. There are points and areas associated with individual organs. If one is ailing, it is simply enough to respectively oppress certain places on the soles, back or edge of Continue reading »

Muscle Pains

Muscle Pains Muscle pains – massage, warming ointment, compresses Annoying muscle pains are the most common diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system and one of the most common causes of disability. However, these problems do not arise only from the working conditions or the load or fatigue in performing professional duties. Pain may occur Continue reading »

During the Massage Session

Probably most of us have experienced a massage session, which has made us feel great and fulfilled our expectations completely. What actually makes the experience so special? Massage therapist and his professional skills are undoubtedly very important. Another factor, which contributes to overall quality of treatment are manual skills of the therapist, and his approach Continue reading »

Massage – When The Client Arrives

Everything is ready. Fresh towels have been laid on the massage table, oil bottles refilled with scented oils. The temperature in the room has been optimally adjusted, so our client will feel comfortable. Scented candles have been lit, so the subtle lavender scent will let the client unwind before, the experience of the massage makes Continue reading »

Before The Client Arrives

For a professional massage therapist, giving a good massage is equally important as efficient time management during a work day. In order to be successful as a massage therapist, one has to work on many levels. It is impossible to discuss them all in one post. I will concentrate here on sharing my own experiences Continue reading »

Massage Therapist Decalogue

Massage Therapist Decalogue In every day practise every one of us, professional massage therapist, considers very important issue of helping another human being. We learn it as we grow up, thanks to our family efforts. These practices help us in our adult lives; they influence our need to be with another person for good and Continue reading »

Massage Therapist Injuries

Massage Therapist Injuries How massage therapist should avoid injuries? Massage Therapist’s Palms. It is very important for any massage therapist to avoid injuries, caused by repeated strain on your hands. Recovering from a palm injury may be long and winding road. It may even threaten or prematurely finish a therapist career. The following techniques will Continue reading »